All of us met online for the first Policy Making class. Day 0, time for icebreakers.
"So Harshit, what made you take this course? "
"Mmm, I study Physics, I'm inclined towards Environment, climate change.. Want to see how policy plays out"
*Great! "
Half an hour later
Entry- Ms Ishita- "Sorry, I'm late"
*plays ice breaker rapid fire*
"Mm, what exactly is this for? " She asks.
"Ishita, we're trying to understand where you stand ideologically, where you are coming from" said the moderator.
"Ah, I study Natural Sciences at IISER.. I'm interested in Environmental policy and the likes maybe?"
Harshit lost his shit at that
Through his muted video, I could see him going mental at the overlap of their ideas.
One studies Physics in France while the other Science at Bhopal and I'm here celebrating what friendship holds for these two perfect strangers.
