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Since you are already here, I assume that you already know me,Or.. are you stalking me?!

Either ways, let me tell you what got me here.

I've created this very personal little space for myself to bottle up that "vibe", that "vibe" of the subtle sunshine, flowers and trees,

that of fallen leaves,

that of the love for cities,

that of black metal jewellery and cotton sarees, stories of kindness, love and insecurities,

small-big struggles and all the trophies..

and,what not!(sorry for breaking the rhyme)

Formally so, this space is where I practice writing, Journalism, Photography, explore different forms of art, think and put my thoughts/ideas out here with zero embarrassment. I'm no professional nor I am a jack of all trades and master of none, I genuinely enjoy creating and thinking no matter how dumb the output may sometimes seem! XD

This is going to be really diverse, just stick around!


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